Friday, May 15, 2009

Hello . .My Husband has Cluster Headaches!

So it's that time of year again . . .cluster headache season. The time of year we all hate to see, but know that is coming soon. The time of year my husband misses the most time at work, pacing our home with small veins piercing through his temple with eyes as red as fire! It's cluster season . . .an excruiciating time for him, a helpless time for others. We love him, but there's nothing to do to help him. Cluster Headaches!
My husband was first diagnosed with cluster headaches two years ago after several misdiagnosis. We were thankful there was a name to his pain, but sadened that there was nothing to cure it. Each year, these headaches seemed to worsen, and it became more difficult to explain to others what clusters where.
I have to admit, initially, I believed he was exagerrating his symptoms. "How can a headache be that bad?" I often questioned as I'd watch th tears roll effortlessly from the corner of his right eye. Over the counter meds were not working, and it was beginning to take a toll on his body.
Well, this year they seem to have come a little later. So late, that we thought he was going to beat it. . . but it's here, and I thought I'd take this time to share my experience of living with a man with cluster headaches. This should be intersting!!!!

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